Saturday, April 19, 2008


I had a lot of fun lurking in the cafes of Camden yesterday, doing an interview for my local paper, the Camden New Journal. It should be a good one - at least, the questions were good. I'm never sure how my answers are going to turn out.

I also posed for pictures, of course, which I'm not very good at, but it was great to get some shots of me in locations from the latest Jimmy Coates book. Jimmy's parts in Jimmy Coates: Survival take place in the Pyrenees, the Sahara, Rome and Paris - but one of the other plot strands is based in my part of North London.

I might put some of the pictures up here so you can see what I'm talking about. And judge for yourselves whether I'm any good at posing.

Meanwhile, the cricket season has started, so I'm warming up with a few hours of Sky Sports' Beach Cricket.

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