Monday, January 10, 2005

Westerns and Walks

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly - what a great film. Have you seen it?
I'd only watched it once before and that was several years ago. Last night I felt like I was there, right alongside Clint every step of the way, searching for that money. I was exhausted at the end of it - nearly three hours of riding my horse through the civil war and shooting at bandits. Though now I think about it, Clint himself does surprisingly little shooting in this one.
Anyway, I could have done with a rest today, but instead I was up with the lark (our local lark doesn't get up until noon) and out in the world.
We went on a two hour hike round the suburbs, taking in some kind of wood which is apparently ancient common land, or something. Not quite sure. I was enjoying the scenery, though.
The sandwiches were good too. That's a very important part of any walk. We ate them at the edge of a lake, surrounding by mob of ducks, growing every moment in number and curiosity.
They were quite fat, so I didn't share.

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