Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Hello Harefield

I was in Northwood today - all the way up the Metropolitan Line (quite an adventure) - to meet some great students from various local schools. We all met up at the Harefield Academy to talk about writing, my book and what you do when your parents are lost in cave.
They've all been kind enough to shortlist my book for the Hillingdon Book of the Year Award, which is amazing. And I was very well looked after all morning. Thanks!

Tonight I saw Tamburlaine at the Barbican. It's an Elizabethan play by Christopher Marlowe about a rampaging psycopath who decides he just has to become king of the whole world. He gets pretty close. There was one line which unfortunately summed up my attitude to life: "And shall I die, and this unconquered?"

I'm going to put that on a massive poster and stick it on the wall above my desk.

The show was great - not enough blood for my tastes, but Greg Hicks, in the main part, was amazing. I've decided he'd be perfect for one of the parts in my book if it ever becomes a movie. I'll let you guys guess which part I'm talking about.

By the way, more news on Jimmy Coates: Target coming soon. You might even get a sneak preview of the front cover...

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