Tuesday, March 30, 2010

"Let's get on with the exciting stuff..."

A new review of my first book just appeared on Amazon. I don't get that many new reviews these days, as it's now four or five years since the Jimmy Coates series began, so it's great to see some fresh comments.

The title of the review and the first line are:
Absolutely Ridiculous
And I bloody well loved it.

What a great opening to a review! I'm also really pleased that the reviewer suggests there might be an adult audience for my books. As I wrote it thinking only of myself, rather than trying to aim at kids, this delights me. The review says:

"Kids will love it, twentysomethings pretending they're kids will love it."

So a big thank you to Jeni from England, whoever you are! If you get in touch I might be moved to send you some kind of thank you prize. A signed packet of Haribo, or something along those lines.

You can check out the whole review here:

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