Friday, February 02, 2007

Hertsmere Jewish Primary School

I had a great visit to Hertsmere today. Thanks for a really enthusiastic welcome, everyone, and also for some of the best questions I've ever been asked at a school. I'm sure you will all write some brilliant stories now - you seemed like you were writing great stories already! (And I promise not to nick any of the ideas we came up with together to put them in a book of my own. Actually, I'm not sure that the world is ready for the epic tale of Tyler, Jack, Jack's Granny, the strange and mysterious mystery stranger who turns into a fire extinguisher, and the attack of the sabre-toother tiger and his troupe of dancing penguins.)

I'm really pleased that so many of you have emailed me with more questions. It's going to take me a couple of days to reply to everyone, but I'll get there...

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