Friday, November 25, 2011

Lit for Lads interview (about sandwiches)

There's a new interview with me over at the great blog

I'm not great at interviews, as you'll see from this one. In it, I spout such stuff as: "Like all good dreams, these sandwiches are constantly shifting worlds of emotion and passion, an artful balance between the sweet and the sour, the salt and the spice."

There's a little bit about my books in there too, but you can tell I save the real passion for the sandwiches.

Fortunately, they were also kind enough to do a great review of Jimmy Coates: Killer.

It's all very flattering, so I'm spending the rest of the day reading it over and over again until I've learned it by heart. So far my favourite line is: 

With the relentless pace and inventive plot twists you will be totally gripped by this novel.


Kat said...

thanks for all of the book suggestions you gave me a few posts ago, I will try some out and see if I enjoy them.

Joe said...

Great! Let me know if you find any other good stuff I should recommend to people.